Next Meeting
Burbank Coordinating Council
Feb. 3 2025, Monday
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
Emmanuel Church
438 East Harvard Road, Burbank 91505
Meeting ID: 876 6144 0440
Passcode: 863250
February Guest

Paul Dutton
LASD CERT Instructor and Program Manager and Professional Emergency Consultant
Paul has been a Sheriff Volunteer for 25 years and Disaster Trainer for 21 years with the LASD. In 2024, he brought the first-ever program “When Disaster
Strikes” with Sheriff Luna and the LASD countywide. It was a televised event! Paul is a wealth of knowledge and this will be a very valuable meeting!
Upcoming Meetings
Mark your calendar!
2024–2025 BCC Monthly Meeting Schedule
All meetings are the first Monday of the month from October to May. Meeting times are noon to 1:30 p.m. We meet at the Emmanuel Church at 438 E. Harvard Rd., Burbank. Because we meet at lunchtime, please feel free to bring your own lunch with you. (BCC will no longer provide the opportunity to purchase lunch.)
Feb. 3
Mar. 3
Apr. 7
May 5
See you there!
Recent Events
BCC Monthly Association Meeting — Jan. 6, 2025

Gavin Cho
Director of Development
Burbank Arts & Education Foundation
Burbank Coordinating Council is off to a great start in 2025!
Our special guest for January was Gavin Cho from the Burbank Arts & Education Foundation (BAEF). He spoke about the great works being done for Burbank Public Schools including awarding over $1.4 million in grants for students over the history of the Foundation. With the goal to help provide educational excellence, BAEF offers grants for teachers to use on experiences, musical instruments, smart TVs, P.E. equipment and whatever is needed.

After introducing this year's board, President Anne-Marie Osgood announced that she and Vice-President Gabe Ayala will be ending their terms this May. BCC will need new leadership for 2025–2026 and is looking for members of the community to join the board. Email BCC.info1933@gmail.com if you'd like to learn more.
With the BCC Holiday Basket Program wrapped up for 2024, we are looking ahead to the BCC Campership Program this summer. Learn more at our next association meeting.
See you at our next meeting Monday, Feb. 3, 2025
2024 BCC Holiday Basket Program Success!

Shopping for extra goodies.

Filling individualized baskets.

Ready to check in families to receive their baskets!
Our 2024 BCC Holiday Basket Program was a tremendous success thanks to our 120 sponsors, 60 volunteers, 260 participating families and the countless number of community members who participated in food, toy and clothing drives across the city. Our friends at local markets and their shoppers donated enough food for us to fill BCC Holiday Baskets as well as donate overflow to The Little White Chapel Pantry. In addition, we would like to offer heartfelt thanks to our wonderful volunteers from National Charity League, Inc., Burbank Chapter; St. Francis Xavier School – Burbank; Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center; Thomas Edison Elementary School – Burbank; Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School – Burbank and Studio 3 Marketing.
Thank you for your generosity, Burbank!
BCC Monthly Association Meeting — Dec. 2, 2024

Albert Hernandez from Home Again LA inspired us with news about the resources the organization offers to families on the edge of homelessness.
Heartwarming community response for our 2024 BCC Holiday Basket Program!
Thank you to all the generous sponsors and community members who donated food and gifts for the BCC Holiday Basket Program this year. The outpouring of support ensures Burbank families in need will have a happy holiday. In keeping with our mission statement to collaborate with Burbank nonprofits, we heard from meeting attendees from LA Providencia Thrift Shop, Burbank Y Service Club, Burbank Business and Professional Women, Burbank Human Relations Council and Burbank Parks and Recreation.Volunteers are needed and welcome for all these fine organizations.
Special guest Albert Hernandez, CEO from Home Again LA spoke about how they accomplish their mission statement to assist unhoused families gain independence by transitioning them into permanent housing and finding employment. Providing financial assistance, training, resources and tools help end the cycle of homelessness and keep children in school for a brighter future. To learn more about Home Again LA, visit their website at https://www.homeagainla.org/.
Follow them on social media:
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@HomeAgainL.A.
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/homeagainlosangeles/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HomeAgainLA

See you at our next meeting Monday, Jan. 6, 2025
BCC Monthly Association Meeting — Nov. 4, 2024

Cynthia Wagner shared how teaching kids to be professional helps them get into college.
Positive and helpful information was shared at our second association meeting.
After calling the meeting to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, President Anne-Marie Osgood shared news about the BCC Holiday Basket Program Sponsors and Applicants. To sponsor, please visit https://www.burbankcc.org/holiday-baskets-donation and to apply, go to https://www.burbankcc.org/familyapplication. Association members shared their news and quite a few organizations are celebrating centennials (and more) including Burbank Kiwanis Club, YMCA Service Club, Burbank Business and Professional Women and National Charity League, Burbank Chapter.
Special guest Cynthia Wagner from College Help Squad and NAF Academies board member talked about BUSD NAF Academy STEM Programs and how they help provide students with the skills and knowledge to succeed in college, the workplace and beyond. Cynthia invited BCC association members to participate in mock interviews to help kids prepare for their futures at https://naf.burbankusd.org/student-resources/mock-interviews

Get involved at our next meeting Monday, Dec. 2, 2024.
BCC Monthly Association Meeting — Oct. 7, 2024

Tamala Takahashi is the first guest speaker to sign a children's book for BCC. Every meeting in 2024–2025, a book will be selected for the guest speaker to sign,
The first association meeting of the 2024–2025 season provided helpful information for Burbank residents from Burbank City Council Member Tamala Takahashi.
The meeting began with a big welcome and introduction of BCC board members and news from the summer break. Guest speaker Tamala Takahashi encouraged attendees to download the Burbank 311 mobile app to report nonemergency issues, request city services and contact city council members. News of parking, traffic safety, infrastructure, new building and a new dog park were all shared by the Tamala.
Government and treasurer reports along with updates on the Holiday Basket Program were followed by introductions and announcements by association members. Attending monthly associations meetings provides valuable information about what’s happening in Burbank, as well and the opportunity to coordinate activities with other local nonprofits. BCC membership allows you to be active in the Burbank community.
Join us for our next meeting Monday, Nov. 4, 2024.

2024 BCC Holiday Basket Program Launch

Community members gathered for the BCC Holiday Basket Program launch event on September 12th to enjoy a happy hour and donate gift cards for baskets. Center photo features 2024 BCC board members: President Anne-Marie Osgood, Parliamentarian Amanda Casarella and Treasurer Denise Bergsrud.
2024 Back to School Fair

Douglas Chadwick, BCC board member and president and executive director of Kiwanis Literacy Club Foundation, handed out 100 books at the BCC table at this year’s Back to School Fair on August 3. In addition to choosing a book, kids from all grades received free backpacks with school supplies along with vision and dental screenings, goody bags and information on local resources and free low-cost services.